Prof. Dr. Nilüfer GALİP ÇELİK
Prof. Dr. Nilüfer GALİP ÇELİK
Dept. of Pediatrics

She was born in Famagusta on 11th April 1982. She completed her primary school education at “Mağusa Gazi İlkokulu” and middle and high school in ”Gazimağusa Türk Maarif Koleji”.Then she got admission to the Faculty of Medicine in Akdeniz University Antalya-Turkey in September 1999,from which she graduated with ‘Honours’ in June 2005.Between the years 2006-2010 she has completed her specialisation in the department of Child Health and Diseases, in the Faculty of Medicine in Ankara University-Turkey.

Nilüfer is holding certificates in ”Neonatal Resusitation” (2006) and in ”Pediatric Advanced Life Support”(2010).She also has several posters in National and International symposia on paediatrics and papers published in foreign journals. Her English is quite good.As from May 2011 she is working as a specialist paediatrician in Near East University Hospital.